Where the Magic Happens


I speak a lot in this blog about how the magic happens on stage.

A good friend of mine is a mental conditioning coach for elite athletes and he posts an inspiring message in his window each morning. The image above is from earlier this week – and it inspired this blog.

Where does the magic happen?

Yup, that’s right – outside of your comfort zone. That is where you need to go if you are going to grow.

In improvisation the only way to create magic is by going places you have never been, and trusting that your scene partner(s) will have your back as you go there. It’s when you both find yourselves in this new frontier that you make discoveries and insights new to your understanding and skill level. If you were a video game – you would be leveling up!

But, the only way to get there is by getting uncomfortable.

In Finding Joe, the documentary about Joseph Campbell, they discuss the Hero’s Journey – and the need for each of us to create a path that has never been trod before. If you are trying to follow someone else’s path, it won’t get you there. You need to make your own path – and the only way to do so is by going beyond your comfort zone.

As yourself, what is the last major thing that really stretched you outside your comfort zone?

Was it painful?

Now, assuming you have a little distance from it – ask yourself, “What did I learn?”

Odds are – you learned a lot. Not that you would choose to have the experience, but the experience itself got you outside of your comfort zone – and as a result you can’t help but to grow.

Most of us love comfort, and we don’t like surprises, yet nothing happens in the space that moves us forward. (Sad, but true)

So, as a worker, manager, friend, spouse, co-worker, parent – can you consciously CHOOSE to get out of your comfort zone and stretch yourself?

What would that look like to you right now?

What is one thing you can do this week that will allow you to step over that comfort line into the unknown?

Are you willing to go there even if it’s scary?


That is where the magic happens!